CY8CKIT-043 PSoC® 4 M-Series Prototyping Kit Guide, Doc. #: 001-97606 Rev. **
Code Examples
Figure 5-12. Project Datasheet: ADC_SAR_Seq_DieTemp_PSoC4
9. You can view the die temperature value and ADC measured voltage through any terminal emula-
tor program like PuTTY or HyperTerminal. Refer to chapter 5 of the
for details
on how to configure and use the software with KitProg. The UART used in the example uses con-
figuration provided in
. The output with PuTTY software is shown in
Table 5-1. UART Settings
Figure 5-13. ADC_SAR_Seq_DieTemp_PSoC4 Output in PuTTY
UART Parameter
Data bits
Stop bits
Parity bits
Baud rate
115200 bps