CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Kit Operation
Kit Overview
shows the CY8CKIT-025 PSoC Precision Analog Temperature Sensor EBK. The circuits
associated with each sensor are boxed and labeled in the figure. The kit has an RTD, a thermistor,
and a DS600 IC sensor onboard and provides interface slots to plug in your thermocouple, diode,
thermistor, or external RTD. The kit includes two diodes and a K-type thermocouple.
Figure 3-1. CY8CKIT-025 PSoC Precision Analog Temperature Sensor EBK
Kit Connections
The CY8CKIT-025 EBK connects to a development kit (DVK) using a 2×20 pin connector. You can
use the CY8CKIT-030 PSoC 3 DVK, CY8CKIT-050 PSoC 5LP DVK, or CY8CKIT-001 PSoC DVK.
The CY8CKIT-025 EBK can be connected to port E of the CY8CKIT-030 PSoC 3 DVK (see
) or port E of the CY8CKIT-050 PSoC 5LP DVK (see
), or port A of the
CY8CKIT-001 PSoC DVK (see
2X20 Pin Connector
for Development Kit
RTD Section
Thermistor Section
Thermocouple Section