PSoC 6 TFT Display Interface with EmWin Graphics Library
Document Number: 002-23726 Rev. *B
Figure 5. Build Messages
After this, a notification is displayed.
Figure 6. Updated Configuration Files
Deselect the file (it is deselected by default), and click
. If you select the file and click
, the configuration file in
the code example project will be replaced by the default configuration file.
Design and Implementation
This project uses a CY8CKIT-028-TFT TFT Display Shield together with the CY8CKIT-062-BLE Pioneer Board. The TFT shield
has a
display controller and uses the 8080-Series Parallel Interface.
There are two important parts in this code example:
EmWin Graphics Library:
The EmWin Graphics Library is implemented as a middleware in PDL and implements all
graphics functions. The library manages a display buffer and updates this display buffer with pixel data according to graphics
operations performed. The library also communicates with the display driver using the 8-bit parallel interface implemented
using the GraphicLCDIntf Component, and the LCD access routines defined in the
Application Code:
The application code calls the EmWin graphics APIs to perform various graphics functions.