Getting Started with EZ-
Document No. 002-00210 Rev. *A
Figure 20. Existing Configuration Table of the CCG3 Device in CY4531 CCG3 EVK
6. Select the
Sink PDO
option in the CCGx configuration list for Port 0 (this corresponds to the Type-C port of the
CCG3 EVK). It can be seen that the CCG3 supports five sink PDOs listed as Sink PDO 0
and the window on the right will show the values of voltage and current corresponding to the selected PDO.
For example, clicking on Sink PDO 2 will show the corresponding power profile of 14.8V, 900mA (expressed in
units of 50mV, 10mA) in the main window. That is, 296 * 50mV = 14.8V and 90 * 10mA = 900mA.