opyright © 2021 Sensata Technologies, Inc.
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LED does a single green flash – failed to send
The button wakes the sensor up, and the first green flash is seen. After the settling time
and reading of the mA value, it sends the data to the IWR Receiver. The data send failed,
so there was no second flash. It will now sleep for the sleep time, then wake and repeat
this process.
LED does one or two long red flashes followed by six short red flashes –
successful join to network
When the IWTxT is first switched it tried to join a network and was successful. It will now
sleep for the update rate time, then wake, read the input, and send the data to the IWR
One or two long red flashes – failed to join the network
When the IWTxT is first switched on it tried to join a network but in this case, it was
unsuccessful. The IWTxT will now sleep for eight hours to conserve battery life before
waking up and trying to join again. The push button can be used to wake it up to force it
to try and join a network again.
5. Push button use
If the push button is pushed and released quickly the sensor is woken from sleep to read
the mA value. The led will flash green once or twice as described above.
If the push button is pushed and held for 5 seconds the Z-Head can be forced to leave
the network, it was joined to. It will then try and join again, indicated by long then short
red flashes as described earlier. This action may be required if routers are used in the
Problem encountered
Possible Causes
LED1 doesn’t flash when pushbutton SW1
is pressed
Unit not switched on, switch on using SW2.
The battery is not installed correctly.
The battery needs replacing.
LED1 only flashes once when SW1 is
IWR receiver not switched on.
IWR receiver is not set up for the same RF
IWR receiver not within range of the
If an IWR-1 receiver is used, ensure that
the transmitter is set to Tx Channel 1
Output from the IWR receiver isn’t
equivalent to the 4-20mA transmitter being
IWR receiver set up incorrectly, see IWR
user manual for further details.
Check that the green external LED on the
receiver is flashing when the transmitter
push button is pressed as the receiver may
be out of range.