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Fly12 CE122 User Guide |
Manual footage capture
If you witness an event that you want to capture and retain when riding,
simply press the Q button briefly (less than 1s). This will lock the current and
preceding video segments.
Incident Protection Mode
The Fly12 has been designed to save footage from major incidents without
being recorded over and without you having to do anything.
Incident Protection Mode is activated when the Fly12 is tilted more than 60°
from vertical (or 30° from the ground) for more than five seconds. If this
happens, the Fly12 will lock the current and immediately preceding video
segment and will then turn off after 30 minutes. This prevents the footage
from being overwritten by the video looping technology.
If the Fly12 tilts over 60 degrees for more than 5 seconds and you don’t want
Incident Protection Mode to remain activated and shut down the Fly12 after
30 minutes, you can:
• Turn off, then turn the Fly12 back on and use normally; or
• When the 3 long beeps sound (indicating the Fly12 is shutting down), wait
for it to turn off, then turn it back on and use normally.
The Incident protection function can be turned off via the CycliqPlus mobile
app or via your PC or Mac, however this is not recommended.