example, are widely used for car bumpers. Even after many years of use, their properties
remain unchanged, ensuring that they still perform equally as well in the event of a
collision. This means that the CYBEX seat can safely be used for considerably longer
than the maximum cited period of eleven years. Moreover, in Group II/III in particular,
the strong forces occurring during a collision are initially absorbed by the car seat belt.
How can I stop my child from releasing him/herself from the impact shield?
Our impact shield is designed with five settings to enable you to adjust it optimally to
your child´s size. It is important to fix the cushion in such a way that it rests on your
child´s body without causing discomfort. When fastening the seat belt, please ensure that
the pelvic restraint is inserted into the seat belt positioner both tautly and smoothly and
that the diagonal belt is pulled tight so that it is fixed securely in the impact shield´s seat
belt positioner. Experience has shown that some young children dislike the shoulder
harness system and the impact shield. This causes them to release themselves from the
seat. Parents need to exercise patience while the child gets used to the new situation and
the safety seat.
The safety belt of my vehicle is too short when used in conjunction with the impact shield. What
can I do?
As far as the safety belt length is concerned, all CYBEX seats with impact shields
comply with the specifications of the homologation. In these rare instances when the belt
length of your vehicle is not sufficient, some car manufacturers offer approved belt
extensions for some of their models which are safe to use. We cannot, however,
recommend belt extensions from third-party suppliers that have not been approved by the
car manufacturer. Please check the following points to ensure the safety belt of your car
has been fully extended: 1. Is it possible to use the safety seat on the front passenger seat?
The front passenger seat often has a longer safety belt. 2. Is the waist belt taut? When
fastening the seat belt it is always important to ensure that only the waist belt is inserted
into the impact shield first. Then the shoulder section of the belt should be pulled tight to
ensure that the waist belt is taut and the shield is in place, thus getting rid of any slack
and using as much of the belt as possible. Only then should the shoulder section of the
belt be inserted into the impact shield and secured with the red clamp. 3. Do not wear
thick clothing: It is better to dress your child in a thick sweater than a bulky padded
anorak. As with adults, the belt should rest as close to the child’s body as possible. This
not only improves safety but also increases belt length
Can I use a Group 1 child safety seat (9kg -18kg) that is supplied with an impact shield without
using the cushion?