Chapter 1
Introducing the CYDIO 96HE
Overview: CYDIO 96HE features
This manual explains how to install and use the CYDIO 96HE board. The CYDIO 96HE is a high-density,
logic-level digital I/O board designed for PCI Express (PCIe) bus.
The CYDIO 96HE provides 96 digital I/O lines in four independent port groups. Each digital port group is
divided into two 8-bit ports and two 4-bit ports. The CYDIO 96HE emulates an 82C55 chip in Mode zero. You
can configure each port independently for either input or output.
The CYDIO 96HE outputs are high-drive TTL that can source 15 mA and sink 64 mA. Additional buffering is
typically not required to drive external devices. The board has two individual slow blow fuses rated at 1 amp
that provide protection for the +5 V User Outputs. A spare fuse is provided.
Each digital port has an associated 10 k resistor network. The board is shipped with each port configured in the
pull-up state. You can change the port configuration with software. On power up and reset the configuration of
each port is read from EEPROM.
Digital I/O lines are accessed through a 100-pin high-density connector.
The CYDIO 96HE board is completely plug-and-play, with no jumpers or switches to set. All board addresses
are set by the board's plug-and-play software. Board configuration is controlled by your system's BIOS.
Power is provided by the computer’s internal 5 V Molex connector.