Update Retro Freak (When it includes System Update)
① Download an update file (zip file) from Retro Freak
Customer Support website and unzip the folder.
② Copy and paste the unzipped file
to microSD directory
③ When inserted the microSD which contains
to Retro Freak system, a prompt to
update will pop up. Press [Accept] to continue.
■Retro Freak General Support webpage
④The update process will take a few seconds to
*Do not turn off the system or pull out the microSD
during this process.
⑤When update is complete, Retro Freak will
automatically restart.
⑥ After the restart, accept the End User Agreement
to complete the update
[Updates for accessory]
If the update data contains updates for the cartridge
adaptor or the controller adaptor, connect each
accessory, then the update confirmation will appear
upon connecting those accessories. (If the accessories
were already connected to the system, their updates
would appear after Step 6.)
Always accept and proceed
with updates when the update notification is displayed.