Head Office
3900 – 101 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5
Office: (780) 437-3055
Fax: (780) 436-5461
Website: www.cvs-controls.com E-Mail: [email protected]
CVS Type 630 HP
Regulators and
Relief Valves
Please note: These regulators and relief valves must
be installed, operated and maintained in accordance
with CVS instructions and all applicable federal,
provincial, state and local codes, laws, rules, and
The CVS 630 HP Series consists of a high pressure
reducing regulator, and Type CVS 630R relief valve.
These regulators and relief valves are furnished in
either spring-loaded or pressure-loaded construction
with 1 or 2 inch NPT screwed end connections.
Pressure loaded Type 630 HP regulators are
normally furnished without a main regulator spring
and use a Bellofram 7360 or a Bellofram P39
Pressure loaded Type 630R relief valves are
furnished with a light rate relief valve spring and use
a Bellofram 7360 or a Bellofram P39 regulator.
After uncrating the regulator or relief valve, inspect it
for shipping damage. Be certain the body cavity and
seat ring are free from any foreign material. Also be
certain that connecting pipelines are free of loose
pipe scale.
The regulator or relief valve may be installed in any
position, but direction of flow through the body must
be as indicated by the flow direction arrow on
Instruction Manual
Figure 1: CVS Type 630HP Regulator
Calgary Sales Office
205, 2323 – 32 Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 6Z3
Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (403) 291-9487
Note that in diagrams in this manual, regulator flow
direction is opposite relief valve flow direction.
Protect the regulator or relief valve against damage
from vehicles and other external sources. The
temperature capability of the 630 HP Series
regulator and relief valves with standard construction
materials is –20 to +150