Apply butyl caulking to female groove of the panel edges to provide an additional vapor and air
infiltration barrier when panels are engaged. Butyl caulk must marry sealant tape / vapor barrier
running perpendicular to the panel joint at panel end conditions. Caulking is best applied while panels
are lying flat. Caulking to be applied to the warm / exterior side of the panel joint (see details)
immediately prior to engaging of panels.
To be applied to all exposed foam insulation and joints, on the warm side of panel, prior to installation
of flashing. Sealant tape is also used between base channel and floor / vapor barrier. All fasteners
penetrating flashing must be inserted through sealant tape. Sealant tape applied to ends of panels
must marry butyl caulk in panel joint.
Place bottom end of panel on base and tilt to vertical position. Longer panels may require the use of a
hoist or other lifting equipment. Slide panel firmly into groove of the preceding panel using firm,
gradual pressure to draw the panels together. Do not pound panels into place or use localized forces
that may damage the panels. Plumb and square each panel before installing fasteners.
Trim materials to be located as per project drawings. See drawings for appropriate fastener size, type
and spacing. Do not over tighten fasteners.
See project drawings for special conditions requiring additional support or fastening of panels.
Panel installer to touch up all exposed field cut edges with touch up paint.
Proper installation and maintenance are extremely important in obtaining the best service and
appearance from pre-painted metal panels. All dirt, oil, fingerprints or other possible contaminants
should be removed after installation to assure proper life of the paint film.
In many cases, a simple washing of the panels with plain water using light pressure spray will
adequately clean the panels. In areas of heavy dirt deposits, a solution of water and detergent (1/3
cup of detergent per gallon of water) may be used with a rag, sponge or soft bristle brush. A clear
water rinse should follow. Warning: Strong solvent and abrasive cleaners should not be used. Such
use will void warranty.