Custom Cooler CLP 601 Installation Instructions Download Page 1






The details contained in the following pages are guidelines for installation of Custom Cooler’s CLP 
(Continuous Line Panel) panel materials. We believe all information presented is accurate but is not 
intended to cover all instances, building requirements, designs or codes. Since each project is 
unique, the details may require some change, revision or adaptation to fit the specific application. 
For NSF compliance, model CLP601 and CLP602 panels are for use only in prefabricated walk-in 
and roll-in refrigerators and freezers used for the storage of food in the original sealed package. 
The installer shall familiarize himself with all erection instructions and panel drawings before starting 
work. Before beginning erection of the panels, the installer shall examine the substrate to ensure that 
all supporting members are straight, level, plumb and true in accordance with minimum tolerances. 
Do not start work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 
Fastening systems shown are for general information only. They do not constitute fitness for end use. 
Contractor to verify that the fastening system and load data used has been approved by the architect 
or engineer of record and is in accordance with all local codes and conditions. 
Good construction practices and safety procedures together with the following information and project 
drawings are intended to produce a high quality installation. The installer may utilize the details 
provided and procedures recommended for the installation of materials. Some field cutting and fitting 
of panels and flashings is expected. Minor field corrections of materials are a part of the normal 
installation process. Experienced metal craftsmen and carpenters should be utilized to achieve the 
best standards for installations.  


Custom Cooler CLP panels are carefully bundled and wrapped to prevent damage during shipping. 
The transportation company is responsible for delivering these components undamaged. 
When shipment is received, check each item against the proper shipping document for quantity, 
length, transit damage, etc. If a shortage or damage is found, make sure notation of it is made on the 
bill of lading and signed by the driver. It is your responsibility to make any damage claim. 
Custom Cooler CLP panels will generally arrive in large wrapped bundles on flat bed trailers. Bundles 
are typically unloaded by mechanical means. When using forklifts, carefully pick up bundles one at a 
time. Extreme care should be taken to avoid bumping and jostling the panels when lifting and 
maneuvering. Bundles are less than 48” wide. Over engagement of forks will cause damage to 
materials positioned on the opposite side of the bundle being lifted. 
