Installation Checkout
Carefully complete the following checkout procedure before operating the
vehicle. If a step does not test correctly, refer to Section 5: Diagnostics and
Put the vehicle up on blocks to get the drive wheels off
the ground before beginning these tests.
Don’t let anyone stand in front of or behind the vehicle
during the checkout.
Make sure the keyswitch is off and the vehicle is in
neutral before beginning.
Wear safety glasses and use well-insulated tools.
A. Connect the battery. Use a voltmeter to verify that the proper voltage and
polarity appears at the battery B+ and B- terminals.
B. Check the voltage at the controller B+ and B- busbars. If your system
has a precharge resistor in parallel with the main contactor, you should see
approximately 90% of the full battery voltage. If your system does not have
a resistor, temporarily connect one (100 to 200 ohms, 5 watts, or a 100 watt
light bulb). The voltage at the controller should rise to approximately 90% of
the full battery voltage.
C. If “A” and “B” do not check out, troubleshoot the wiring connections. Do
not turn on the keyswitch until the trouble is corrected and “A” and “B”
check out.
D. With the forward/reverse switch in neutral, turn on the keyswitch. If the
motor runs without the throttle being applied, turn the keyswitch off and
recheck the wiring. If the motor does not run without the throttle applied,
proceed with the checkout. Select a direction and slowly apply the throttle; the
motor should now respond.
E. Look to see which direction the wheels are turning. If the wheels are going
the wrong way, turn everything off and interchange the motor field connec-
F. If you have HPD, check it next. Turn off the keyswitch and direction
switch. Apply the throttle, turn the keyswitch on, and then select a direction.
The motor should not run. Release the throttle and re-apply it — the motor
should now run. If the motor runs before you release the throttle, recheck the
Curtis 1204M/1205M/1209M/1221M Manual