PRODUCT SUPPORT: 877.287.8634
Back-up the towing vehicle while remaining centered and aligned
to trailer's kingpin. The trailer's kingpin skid plate will compress
the towing vehicle's suspension and ramp up onto the 5th wheel
skid plate. Refer to the 'HANDLE' diagrams on the previous page
while observing the following:
• Trailer kingpin fully seats into opening on the 5th wheel head
• Yellow indicator will change to green indicator
(when viewing from cab)
• Operating handle will swing rearward
toward the trailer to the locked position
Visually confirm the trailer's skid plate is resting completely on the
head of the 5th wheel. Also confirm the jaws are indeed locked around
the trailers kingpin. A gap may indicate the kingpin is not engaged
into jaws properly or has high-sided and is resting on top of the jaw.
After visually confirming the jaws are properly engaged
and locked, insert the safety pin through the locking
handle to ensure it cannot be unlocked while towing.
Never tow without visually ensuring the kingpin is properly
coupled and the safety pin has been installed. This will
ensure the handle cannot be unintentionally unlocked.
If the kingpin is resting on top of the jaws, immediately lower the trailer
jacks to lift the kingpin off the jaws. Inspect the 5th wheel for damage
that may have resulted from the improper coupling attempt. Under no
circumstances should the 5th wheel unit be used if damage exists. If
no damage exists, review coupling instructions and repeat procedure.
Preparation troubleshooting
Do not tow in this configuration. The jaws will close, but will not lock.
Follow the steps below to correct the issue and prepare for coupling.
The red indicator signifies that the jaws are unlocked and the
operating handle is latched in the unlock position (see 'RED HANDLE'
diagram on the previous page). The red indicator will remain visible if
the jaws are unable to fully open and reset the operating handle to the
yellow couple position. Follow the steps below to attempt to reset the
operating handle to the couple position.
Step 1
Check for any signs of damage to the locking mechanism. Ensure
the jaws are open and the indicator, jaw, handle and torsion springs
are all attached and undamaged. If any of the springs are missing or
damaged, do not attempt to use the hitch until it has been repaired.
Before you couple
Your PowerRide
is supplied with an integrated wear plate that
eliminates the need for grease. To extend the life of the wear plates
on the hitch, the system may also be used with a 3/16" lube plate
attached to the trailer kigpin. If the integrated wear plates supplied
with the hitch have worn to the point the lines are no longer visible
they should be replaced. Never operate your 5th wheel without the
integrated lube plates installed.
Never position yourself or others under the trailer's kingpin area
(danger zone) during coupling and uncoupling. If for any reason, you
must position any part of your body under the trailer or between the
truck and trailer or between the trailer kingpin and 5th wheel hitch,
you must follow the steps in the 'Danger Zone Precautions' on page 1.
Step 2
Ensure the locking mechanism is free of excessive dirt, rust, grease,
snow, ice or other foreign material preventing it from cycling properly.
Clean excessive dirt, snow or ice with warm soap water. Lightly
lubricate exposed surfaces with a rust inhibitor to restore proper
operation. Components with excessive amounts of rust may require
replacement to restore proper functionality.
Step 3
If cycling the handle is unsuccessful, apply pressure to the front of
the jaw to manually reset the locking pawl. If the handle drops to the
couple position and the indicator turns yellow, you are ready to couple.
Step 4
If all components are undamaged and can freely move, apply pressure
to the operating handle, as if unlocking, and release. If the handle
drops back to the couple position and the indicator turns yellow, you
are ready to couple.
Apply pressure
to unlock handle
and release
Apply pressure to jaw
to reset locking pawl
Jaw spring
Indicator spring