The sonic technology enables healthy, mechanical clean-
ing of the teeth, and is significantly more effective and
gentle than with a manual toothbrush. At the same time,
it is almost impossible to damage your gums or teeth.
• Hydrodynamics: At 30,000 brush strokes per minute
or higher, the sonic technology leads to hydrodynamic
turbulence in the mixture of saliva, water and tooth-
paste in your mouth. This turbulence removes biofilm
bacteria in places where the bristles do not reach;
for example, in the spaces between your teeth.
• When used in conjunction with CUREN
brush heads,
the Hydrosonic Easy meets the highest demands in
terms of mechanical and hydrodynamic cleaning.
• As a result, the Hydrosonic Easy not only cleans the
teeth, but to some extent also reaches between the
teeth to clean the spaces in between.
• The Hydrosonic Easy also removes millions of biofilm
bacteria from the gum line and from any periodontal
pockets – thanks to sonic technology and hydrodynamics.
• All CURAPROX brush heads are fitted with ultra-fine
filaments. With up to 42,000 brush strokes per
minute, the amount of wear on the Hydrosonic Easy is
extremely high. After three months at the latest, many
bristles are worn out. Replace your brush head now.
• If you wear orthodontic equipment such as brackets or
braces, the amount of wear is even higher. In this case,
it is best to change your brush head after seven or eight
weeks. It is worth it.
• TIP:
Take a look at our toothpastes aswell. They are
formulated to be particularly gentle and effective.
For example, they contain mild surfactants that preserve
the oral mucosa and produce less foam – which even in-
creases the hydrodynamic effect of sonic toothbrushes.
• TIP:
You can find other brush heads in specialist shops
or in the online shop at www.curaprox.com.
Special cases
Upper and lower front teeth: To clean the inside part of
the lower and upper front teeth, hold the Hydrosonic
vertically and tilt it to the right and to the left a few
times before moving on to the next tooth.
Upper and lower molars: Place the Hydrosonic
at an angle behind the molar and linger for two to
three seconds.