Beneteau 43 - Olivetta
Page 20
– Tender and Outboard
Tender and Outboard
Olivetta has a Barefoot tender powered by a 6hp Yamaha Outboard.
To Start Motor
Lift motor slightly and release tilt lock on the rear starboard side of the motor and
lower outboard into the water.
Prime the squeeze bulb in fuel line if necessary until it is hard.
It is not necessary to use the choke.
Ensure gear lever is in the central or neutral position.
Twist throttle handle 10 degrees to low throttle setting.
Pull starter cord.
To engage gears move gear lever forward or back at low idle revs. (The propeller
bush may fail if engaged at high revs.)
To stop outboard press red button on the outboard powerhead.
It is easier to operate the motor with left arm.
Always have tender alongside for easy access when manoeuvring or anchoring.
Have the tender behind the vessel at full length ONLY when underway.
The Yamaha outboard has a rubber bushed propeller which will shear if the propeller
hits a rock or coral. You should therefore exercise due caution when operating in
shallow water. It is best to stop the outboard, tilt it up and proceed with the paddles.
The barefoot inflatable is also a life raft for Olivetta.
It has separate bladders, in each side, with air filler caps should they require refilling.
The air pump is in the cupboard in the port hull near the life jackets.
Do not over inflate. If the hulls are inflated with cold air at night they will expand in the
heat of the day.
When opening the valve caps always ensure the plastic surround does not turn.
If this is loose a washer inside the hull can be displaced, causing loss of pressure.
If your Barefoot deflates contact base
because further use will puncture the
bladder and cause further damage.