Culligan® Series G1 Reverse Osmosis
Cat. No. 01021713
If there were changes in feed water temperature or pressure, the product water flow rates will have to be converted to flow
rates under standard conditions (77° F and 200 psig) in order for any comparison to be valid. Refer to the Product Flow
Calculation section to calculate flow rates under standard conditions, then compare the converted values. A decrease in
the product water flow may have been due only to a decrease in temperature or pressure, in which case cleaning would
not be indicated.
If any change in the performance of the elements was not due to a change in operating conditions, it may be time to clean
the elements. In general clean the elements:
1. When the product flow rate decreases by 10% (or when the feed pressure must be increased by 10% to main-
tain the same product flow), or
2. When the percent of rejection decreases below specification.
Because strong chemicals are used to clean the elements, maintenance cleaning is not recom-
mended. If the elements need to be cleaned frequently (more than twice a year), the pretreatment
may be inadequate. Obtain a current water analysis and test the Silt Density Index and the Total
Chlorine level of the water on-site to review what changes in pretreatment may be needed.
When cleaning is required, the type of material which is fouling the element should be identified, if possible. Refer to
Table 8 to determine the possible causes of the performance change.
Hardness Scale
Hardness Scale (light) or Iron
Membrane Damage
Silt or Biofouling
Membrane Damage (light)
Table 8. Performance change possible causes.
For example, if the product flow is low but the percent rejection is normal, the likely causes of the problem are silt or
biofouling. Please note that if the product flow rate has increased (with no increase in temperature or pressure) the likely
reason is damage to the membrane, which cannot be repaired by cleaning.
Once the foulant has been identified, choose the recommended cleaning chemical(s) from Table 9.
Membrane Problem
Cleaning Chemical
Hardness Scale
Hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid
Hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide
Phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide
Table 9. Recommended membrane cleaning chemicals.
Because phosphoric acid can be used by itself or in combination with sodium hydroxide to clean almost all types of fou-
lants, it is generally recommended over hydrochloric acid when choosing a “stock” acid.
Some municipal surface water supplies are treated with alum. Aluminum fouling results in low flow
and, occasionally, in low rejection. If aluminum fouling is suspected, use only hydrochloric acid.
Use a pH meter to prepare acid and caustic solutions, and to monitor pH changes as the solutions react with any foulants.
Materials required:
1. Solution tank (50 gallon capacity, minimum), to prepare and store the chemical solution.
2. Tank stand, to elevate solution tank to level above pump.
3. Tubing 1/2” O.D. to connect cleaning adapter ahead of Pre-filter.
4. A pH meter.
5. A pre-filter cartridge (P/N 00955004).