351804-1 Rev. 100
Setting System Controller potentiometers,
output power
ALC level) adjustment:
With a CW power output of 5000W, adjust the System Controller PCB potentiometer VR2 clockwise
until the power drops to 4750W.
Un-key the system.
Change the T-
4180 mode to ISB. Select “TONE” as modulation source with a modulation frequency
of 500 Hz.
Key the system. While observing the PEP output power, readjust VR2 to obtain 5000W of
output power.
Un-key the system.
Setting System Controller potentiometers, Reflected Power
Connect the T-4180
– through a variable attenuator – to the COM5000-8. The variable attenuator is
set for maximum attenuation. The T-4180 is set to operate in CW mode of operation at 100% power
at a frequency of 15 MHz.
Key the transmitter system and observe the output power. Change the attenuation on the Variable
Attenuator in small increments until the output power reaches 2000W.
Un-key the system. To prevent the microprocessor from reducing the power during this alignment,
apply a short from the junction of R118 and C93 to ground using a “clip lead”.
Replace the 50 Ohm Load with two 50 Ohm loads connected in parallel to produce a VSWR of 2:1.
Connect the two loads as shown below. The "T" connector must be connected directly to the Watt-
Meter. The coaxial cable length
from the “T” to the 50 Ohm loads is not critical. Note the placement
of the Watt-Meter directly at the output of the LC connector.