Key Off Colour
The ten lazy keys may be green for off and red for active or clear for off and red for
Mic Live keys
The mic live A, B and Guest keys may be used as just ‘on air’ indicators, or as
momentary or latching ‘cough’ keys where pressing the relevant button will take the
commentator off air (muted mic amp). When selected to off the keys will do nothing
apart from indicating off air when a lazy key is pressed. Momentary will take the
commentator off air only while the key is pressed. Latching will switch off air and
remain off air until the key is pressed again. Latching mode also enables the GPI
TX Light Colour
The TX switch lights (Mic Live A, B and Guest) may be selected to be green when the
mic is live and red when not live OR red when the mic is live and off when not live.
Press the TX Light colour button to toggle between the two selections.
Sidetone (or commentators hearing themselves) may be assigned in several
combinations. This is an example for commentator A.
No sidetone, all ‘pot’ inputs are Dante assigned.
Self A3, Co-comm A4
Pot A3 = comm A voice, Pot A4 comms B and G.
All A4
Pot A4 = All commentators voices.
Self A7, Co-comm A8
Pot A7 = comm A voice, Pot A8 comms B and G.
All A8
Pot A8 = All commentators voices.
When a potentiometer is assigned to sidetone its associated Dante input is no longer
This returns to the previous menu.
Utility D15 Pinouts
Pins 1 and 9 short when Comm A on air
Pins 2 and 10 short when Comm B on air
Pins 3 and 11 short when Guest on air
Short Pins 4 and 12 to activate Talk A1
Short Pins 5 and 13 to activate Talk B1
Short Pins 6 and 14 to activate Talk G1