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CTC EcoAir 115-125 (v.3) - electronic defrosting 

Exchange instruction, display card


The connection of cables must be performed by an authorized installation technician.  
Make sure to disconnect the power supply to the unit (phases and ground connections) be-
fore starting to work.


Start by transferring the cables from the old display card to the new card.  
Start with connection G1 and then transfer all cables of terminal G.  
When all cables have been transferred, there will be four spare connections at the top of the 
terminal (G17-G20).


In the same way, transfer the cables of terminal F from the old display card to the new card.  
Start with connection F1 and then transfer the other cables. Connection F9 will then be empty.


Disconnect the defrosting device by removing all cables (1-4) from the terminal X1 connections 
19-21. Also disconnect the ground cable.


Remove cable 25 from L1 (not from connection 7) on terminal X1 and attach it to the connection F9 of the 
display card.


Remove cable 106 from connection 21 on terminal X1 and attach it to an active ground connection (eg 
connection 19 on terminal X1). 


Also remove cable 105 from connection 20 on terminal X1 and attach it to an active ground connection 
(eg terminal 19 on terminal X1).


Connect the defrosting sensors to the display card terminal G17-G18 (sensor 1) and 
G19-G20 (sensor 2) and then in the evaporator. Use the clips that come with the delivery to 
attach the sensors in the evaporator. Position the sensors, depthwise, in the middle of the 
evaporator. Attach the sensors 250 mm from the right hand side (seen from the front) and 
250 mm from the bottom edge and the upper edge respectively.

162 401 58-1    2017-11-28

Terminal G, 
display card

Terminal F,
display card

Display card

Connection box

Terminal X1
