Getting Started
Chapter 1: Manual Overview and Support Services
PowerStation RS Monitor User Guide
Getting Started
Now that you have opened the RS Monitor package, you are ready
to unpack the monitor and install it in a permanent location. This
section provides an overview of the steps that are discussed in
detail throughout the remainder of this manual.
Before You Begin
Before you install or operate the RS Monitor, please complete the
following steps:
1. Unpack the monitor and verify that you have received all the
components you ordered.
2. Fill out the product registration card and return it to CTC.
When you register your unit, you will receive a trial member-
ship in CTC’s Product Support Program (PSP), which
provides access to the PSP Web site, information on product
updates, and service bulletins.
3. Back up the CTC software that came with the monitor using
Windows Explorer or the MS-DOS diskcopy command.
4. Read any Release Notes enclosed with the monitor. This
document provides important information about the RS
Monitor that does not appear in this manual.
Install the RS Monitor
Once you have unpacked the monitor and completed the steps
listed above, you are ready to install the RS Monitor. Detailed
instructions on how to select a location for the monitor, create a
cutout, and install the monitor in an enclosure are presented in
Chapter 3, Installing the RS Monitor.
Connect the Monitor
to a Computer
When you have installed the RS Monitor, you are ready to connect
the monitor to a computer, start up your system, and set up the
monitor (if you are using it with a non-PowerStation RS PC).
Detailed instructions for completing these activities are included
in Chapter 4, Connecting the RS Monitor to a Computer.