www.concretehireandsales.com 01477 500066 or 07720 711312 [email protected]
01477 500066
The CSS Laser Grader models MLGFM2000 - 2400 front mounted for loaders are designed to attach to the loaders’ quick hitch bracket.
Please check with the loader manufacturer the quick hitch bracket required.
The MLGFM2000 is fitted with a mounting frame with pre drilled holes ready to attach the loaders quick hitch frame.
The grading dozer blade is connected to the mounting frame via parallel linkage system, to maintain a vertical position of the blade
when raising or lowering the depth control of the blade is via 2 swivel mounted castor wheels connected to hydraulic cylinders which
are powered by the loaders auxiliary oil service via a special twin bank proportional valve positioned on the grader.
A laser system is required to accurately control the blade height, either manually or automatically via a control box which should be
mounted in easy distance from the loader operator (see laser operation section) The dozer blade is fitted with cutting replaceable
blades front and rear for working in both directions. A height accuracy of + or - 2mm is achievable.
Removable (bolt on) side plates allow more materials to be moved for a quicker operation.