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CSO Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici srl.
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COBRA HD non-mydriatic Fundus camera is an electro-medical device
for the observation of the retinal fundus of the eye.
The device is a non-mydriatic fundus camera which has been designed
for the screening, the capture and the elaboration of an image of the
retina in the ophthalmic procedure.
The device provides a clear and detailed vision of the whole image of
the eye funds with a real 50° x 45° field of view. The device processes
retinal images with a minimum flash exposition, minimizing the
discomfort for the patient. The device acquires the image of the retina
even when the pupil is constricted.
AVR analysis
The AVR application software allows the measurement of the
relationship between the branch arteriolar-venous diameter. A low
relationship between the dimension of the vessels, could be predictive
of ictus and other cardiovascular events in adult patients.
The device allows to analyze the Meibomian glands in a non-invasive
method. The miebography is performed through the infrared
illumination which enhance the contrast, magnifying the anatomic
structure of the glands without causing any discomfort to the patient.
More features of the device with the application software
The device, with the application software allows:
Guided manual capture
Management of the patients data and possibility to effectuate
personalized researches and statistics
Simultaneous capture of images in visible light mode and IR mode
Analysis of panoramic images on large field
Mosaic function
Image processing, drawing, measure
Zoom effects
Vertical and horizontal cup/disc measurement
Color control and filters simulation