A. The gyro is reversed, re-mount the gyro the other way up in the model. Note reversing
the rudder channel from the Transmitter will not correct this, the gyro must be physically re-
mounted in the model.
Q. I can't stop it wagging until I turn the gain down so low that the gyro is hardly working.
A. This can be caused by a few conditions:
The gyro should be mounted to the model in an area of minimum vibration (not at the
extreme front of the servo tray if this is flexible) & the whole model should be free of as
much vibration as possible i.e. none visible.
If the boom supports or boom support clamp are loose, this will have a large effect on the
performance of the gyro, try flexing the boom from side to side while holding the body of the
model still, watch for any movement no matter how small. The boom support clamp must not
be able to slide on the boom. Make sure all boom support ends are firmly attached and that
none of the joints can move.
Ensure that the tail linkage is as smooth & slop free as possible with no binding.
A slow or low quality servo can also cause this condition.
Q. The tail constantly twitches about and will not sit still in the hover.
A. This is caused be the gyro picking up vibration, this can be caused by an out of balance
model, a rough running engine or just by components being too loosely mounted on the
model, typically a loosely mounted canopy or battery pack/ receiver will cause resonance on
a other wise well balanced model.