Input Connections (continued)
Input Self Learning
To aid installation, DualCom can learn the quiescent state of its inputs, i.e. the
‘non-active’ state, without having to re-program the NVM.
‘Non-active’ means that the voltage on the alarm inputs are in the ‘not in alarm’
condition and open/close inputs are in the ‘open’, ‘unset’ or ‘day’ condition.
Self Learning allows the unit to be programmed during installation with ‘positive
applied’ or ‘positive removed’ inputs. It will correct NVMs that have been sup-
plied with incorrect input polarities.
1. Setup the inputs ‘non-active’ conditions by connecting a positive voltage or
‘no’ voltage (0v) on each input terminal as required.
This is easily achieved by connecting the control panel outputs to the
DualCom inputs, then put the control panel in the
‘day state’
no acti-
vated detectors and all alarm conditions reset
. You can leave any un-
used DualCom inputs disconnected.
Ensure that the
unset/open/day state
is selected on the Control Panel,
the ‘set’ or ‘engineering’ states.
2. With the DualCom powered-up, apply a permanent short to the Test pins
with a jumper link or screwdriver blade etc.
3. Momentarily short the Reset pins.
After a few seconds, the Red (Radio) & Yellow (Wired) LEDs will flash:
4 Red...4 Yellow...4 Red...etc. indicating ‘learning’ mode.
4. Remove the short on the Test pins.
The LED flashing will cease and the state of the 8 inputs (16 inputs if the
CS1050 Expander Board is fitted) will be remembered as the ‘non-active’
condition. This information will be stored in the NVM.
Note: Where a Jumper Link was used, DO NOT park the Jumper Link
onto BOTH Test pins because this will immediately trigger a test call
and inhibit further operation.