© Gamajet Cleaning Systems, Inc. 10/24/01
This will result in partial or erratic washing coverage. Refer to sections 4.1 and
Determine if the deposit being cleaned requires greater jet impact or longer jet
dwell time (slower rotation) for more thorough scrubbing. Confirm that the
Gamajet nozzle size, turbine, and gearing are correct for the specific application.
Gamajet performance tables are available that show flow rate, cycle time, and jet
impact force for various combinations of pressure, flow rate, nozzle size, stator,
and gear ratio. Contact a Gamajet representative if assistance is required. See,
also, the first paragraph of section 4.1.1 about the suitability of the Gamajet's
configuration to the
(not estimated) operating conditions.
Refer to section 1.2.6. Be sure that the vessel drains the effluent or used wash
fluid as fast as it's being sprayed in through the Gamajet. The floor of the vessel
should be sloped or pitched toward the drain and the drainage opening should be
large enough to gravity-drain the effluent from the vessel. If you still have
puddling (build-up of the wash fluid so it covers the floor and shields the residues
underneath), use some form of pump to suck out the effluent.