Installation Procedures
Auto-dial/Auto-answer (AD/AA)
When the I/SITE LAN is set to emulate the 78061 Tap, the AD/AA function (i.e. two-way
dial between the host PC and the I/SITE LAN) is supported. Use the following types of
modems for AD/AA communication:
Synchronous — Use a synchronous modem when the controller is loaded with an
I/NET version 4.x or earlier binary file. The controller must also have I/NET
version 4.x boot firmware (EPROM).
Asynchronous — Use an asynchronous modem when the controller is loaded with
an I/NET 2000 binary file. The controller must also have I/NET 2000 boot firm-
ware (EPROM).
Ensure that all AD/AA Taps within your I/NET system are configured to use the same
communication protocol — either synchronous, or asynchronous. Mixing AD/AA protocols
will cause communication errors.
I/NET 2000 is compatible with I/NET version 4.x Tap and controller binary loads. There-
fore, when synchronous AD/AA communication is required on an I/NET 2000 system (for
example, when using a 78040, 78050, or 78060 Tap), you must continue to use I/NET
version 4.x Tap and controller binary loads.
Connectors P4 and TB4 allow you to connect an external Hayes-compatible modem to
the 7798. Both P4 and TB4 are the same serial port and only one connector should be
attached to a modem. Port P4 provides a 10-conductor ribbon connector. Terminal
block TB4 provides a direct wiring connection.
shows each connector.
CSI cable number CBL048 (P/N 606105–0017) is available from CSI for a modem
connection to P4. Use discrete wiring to connect a modem to TB4.
The Model 7798-C I/SITE LAN (CE marked version) includes a ferrite clamp (CSI P/N
602711–0004). If using the AD/AA port (P4/TB4), the ribbon cable from the port should
be passed through the clamp with the clamp positioned just outside the rear of the 7798
Direct Connect
When the I/SITE LAN is set to emulate a 78035 Tap, the “Direct Connect” function (i.e.,
communication over continuously active data lines) is supported. Connect an external
Hayes-compatible modem to port P4 or TB4 for this type of communication. Port P4
Figure 6. Port P4 and Terminal Block TB4 Connections
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TXD - Transmit Data
RXD - Receive Data
RTS - Request To Send
CTS - Clear To Send
DTR - Data Terminal Ready
DCD - Data Carrier Detect
RXC - Receive Clock
GND - Signal Common
TXC - Transmit Clock
+12V (strapable - not used)