• Adequate Water Supply and Pressure:
Minimum Flow: 1 gpm (4 lpm)
Minimum Water Pressure: 20 psi (1.4 bar)
Checking for water pressure without a pressure gauge: With the compressor
off, attach water hose to the saw water connection. Pull the chain off to one
side of the bar and turn on the water valve. If there is a minimum of 20 psi,
water should spray 1 - 3 ft (.3 to 1 m) from the bar.
• Proper Air Supply to the Saw:
Maximum PSI: 90 (6 bar)
Maximum CFM: 124 cfm (3.5 M
Insure the air supply line is clear before connecting it to the saw. Dirt and
water separators are recommended to prevent rust and condensation from
forming in the air lines.
• Motor Lubricator: (Not Included)
Always use an in-line oiler to provide continuous lubrication to the air
motor. The air lubricator or combination lubricator/air drier must be placed 6
to 12 feet (2 - 4 meters) from the tool. This will increase the life of the saw and
reduce down time.
Check oil level, when necessary; fill with resin and acid-free SAE 5 W to
SAE 10 W oil.
In winter or when using very moist air, use antifreeze lubricant, such as “Prol-
ube ATL/AF”, “Killfrost” “BP Energol AX10” or “Kompranol”