Channels 22 and 23 are for Telemetry and Telecommand use, voice communications are not allowed on
these channels by law. Channel 9 and above are the best choices for general use in Simplex mode.
Radio communications (Citizen Band Radio Stations)
Class Licence 2002
No licence is required to own or operate this radio in Australia and New Zealand. The Radio
communications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class Licence 2002 contains the technical parameters,
operating requirements, conditions of licence and relevant standards for Citizen Band (CB) radios. CB radios
must comply with the class licence for their use to be authorised under the class licence.
UHF channels and frequencies
IMPORTANT NOTE: The operation of your UHF radio in Australia and New Zealand is subject to conditions in
the following licenses: In Australia the ACMA Radio communications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) and in
New Zealand by MED the General User Radio License for Citizen Band Radio.
Technical Assistance
If you need assistance setting up or using your CRYSTAL product now or
in the future, call CRYSTAL Support.
TEL: 03 – 8587 8898
FAX: 03 – 8587 8866
Mon-‐Fri 9am – 5pm AEST
Please retain this user guide for future reference.