Crystal Vision
Control and Status monitoring
4.5 Audio
DeEmbedded input
Monitor de-embedder channel status, invert channels, detect Dolby E encoded
channel pairs, mono and resample stereo pairs.
On when embedded channel detected.
On if the audio channel is silent i.e. consistently below the
threshold set by the ‘Audio silence level’ control for a period set by
the ‘Audio silence (seconds)’ control – see
Select to enable inversion of the de-embedder output for the
selected channel.
Dolby E
On if the channel pair has Dolby E encoding.
Select to mono the channel pair
. N.B. Only the first channel of the
stereo pair is converted to mono, the second channel is
unchanged. The mono output is gain corrected to maintain unity
SYNNER-VF User Manual R1.1
03 January 2017