Crystal Vision
1 Introduction
The Indigo desk top box is available as two variants – the DT with a passive front
panel and the DTSE with an active panel, Ethernet capability and Statesman enabled.
This manual covers both variants.
Each desk top box can be used with any single or double slot rear module in the
Crystal Vision range.
A removable front panel allows easy access to installed modules.
The Indigo DT/DTSE Crystal Vision desk top box
Each desk top box has a built in power supply and an internal fan on the right hand
There are three cooling modes: normal, quiet and maximum.
With normal cooling the fan runs continuously, increasing in speed as the
temperature inside the frame goes up.
In quiet mode the fan does not run at temperatures below 45
C (as measured by the
sensor inside the frame) and always runs at temperatures above 45
C. This mode is
ideal where noise is an issue or where the ambient temperature is low.
In maximum cooling mode the fan is always turning at maximum speed. This mode is
ideal for equipment bays where noise is not a concern.
Although it is possible to operate the frame with the front panel open the frame
may not meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements in this
The Indigo DT and Indigo DTSE have front panel processors. These processors
monitor the power rail voltage levels (+5.5V and -6.0V) and the fan speed. Status
information is indicated by the state of the FAN, PSU and TEMP LEDs on the front
panel and the alarm relay. The relay contacts are available on the remote 2 connector
on the rear of the frame.
There are four two-colour LEDs on the front panel, with yellow/green indicating a
normal condition and red an abnormal condition.
Indigo DT User Manual R1.8
05 July 2018