Crystal Vision
If a fuse blows repeatedly this indicates a fault either in the associated power supply module
or elsewhere. Return the frame and/or power supply to the manufacturer or dealer for repair.
Replace the fuse only with one of the same type and rating (5A, 250V time delay).
How do I tell which fuse supplies which power supplies?
Each fuse feeds two power supply modules. The lower fused inlet supplies PSU1 and
PSU4. The upper fused inlet supplies PSU2 and PSU3.
How do I tell which fuse has failed as my frame is still working normally?
If a fuse should fail the front panel will indicate which powers supplies are no longer
functioning by their status LEDs having turning from green to red. The red LED present
at the front of the power supply will also change from a steady condition to flashing to
indicate an error condition. If PSU1 and PSU4 are showing a fault condition change the
fuse in the lower mains inlet. If PSU2 and PSU3 are showing a fault condition change the
fuse in the upper mains inlet.
Software upgrades
From time to time software updates may become available to add additional functionality
etc. to the active front panelled Indigo 4SE CoolFlow. The software updater is available
from Crystal Vision customer support or as a download from www.crystalvision.tv.
Once the updater software “cv_reflasher.exe” is on your PC, double click it to run.
The following popup box will appear:
Indigo 4 CoolFlow User Manual R1.7