Part of the appeal of plug-and-play tuners lies in the simplicity of their
connections. Power, for example, is supplied through a DC power adapter.
You simply plug one end in the appropriate place on the cradle, then plug
the other end into your vehicle’s DC power outlet (cigarette lighter).
Antenna Connection for Plug-and-Play Tuners
The antenna connection brings the satellite signal to the tuner. The antenna
connection is straightforward: the antenna’s connector, called a FAKRA plug,
simply inserts into the appropriate input on the cradle.
Signal Connections for Plug-and-Play Tuners
There are three options for getting the sound from your satellite radio tuner
to your in-dash receiver:
Cassette adapter
FM modulator
RCA patch cables
Cassette adapter
If you have an in-dash cassette deck, you can use a cassette adapter (often
included with the car accessory kit) to input the sound. Simply plug the
mini-jack end into the cradle’s audio output, and insert the cassette adapter
in the deck.
FM modulators
There are two types of FM modulators: wireless and wired.
Many newer plug-and-play tuners feature built-in
wireless FM modulators
All you have to do is tune your FM stereo to an unused frequency, engage
the modulator on the tuner, and select the corresponding frequency. The
tuner then “broadcasts” the signal wirelessly over that frequency; your re-
ceiver’s antenna picks it up the way it would any FM signal. The drawbacks
include the potential for interference, and the fact that you might have to
change broadcasting frequencies as you move into new areas which feature
stations on different frequencies.
Wired FM modulators
plug directly into the back of your receiver. One end
goes into the receiver’s antenna input; the antenna input goes into the FM
modulator. The plug-and-play tuner then connects to the modulator via its
audio output. As with the wireless modulator, the satellite signal is “broad-
cast” over an unused frequency. This type of modulator is less susceptible
to interference than its wireless counterpart, but you still might have to
change stations when traveling.
Connecting A Plug-and-Play Tuner
A satellite radio antenna connection
(also called a FAKRA plug).
Cassette adapters are easy to use
and take from vehicle to vehicle.
Copyright 2005 Crutchfield Corporation