In-Field Seed Calibration Process
This procedure will be used to find a more accurate Meter Cal value during normal field
operation. You could place a known weight of seed in the drill and drill until it is gone during
this process. If you have access to a scale, you could weigh the drill full of seed, then after
drilling some amount. You will need to use some procedure to determine the actual weight of
seed dispensed.
1. Clear a weight counter by selecting the Weight position and pressing “-“ key for 1 second while in hold.
2. Operate the drill in the field. The measured seed weight will accrue in the weight counter you reset in step 1.
3. Find the total actual weight of seed dispensed.
4. Enter Calibration mode by pressing CAL for 1 second. Red light will come on steady.
5. Turn dial to the Meter Cal position. The current Meter Cal will be displayed.
6. Push CAL key to toggle to the weight. Use the “+” and “-“ buttons to adjust the weight to the actual weight
drilled. The DrillMaster will automatically change the Meter Cal value.
7. Push CAL key to toggle back to the new Meter Cal value. Make a note of the new value in you operators
manual for future reference.
8. Press and Hold “CAL” until red light is off to exit calibration. This saves the new calibration settings.
DrillMaster Quick Start Guide
Pg 9
Revised 4/2/2010