Bath Filler D
eck Mounted
P5-6P8P7-SL-B-E A/5
For any further information please contact
Crosswater on:
0845 873 8840
Or visit our web-site at www.crosswater.co.uk
The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical
modifications without prior notice.
This product should only be fitted by a qualified plumber to NVQ (National Vocational
Qualification) or SNVQ (Scottish National Vocational Qualification) Level 3. Should
the installation be completed by a non-qualified person then the guarantee may be
considered invalid.
For a claim made under our warranty written certification of your installers credentials
can be required. For further information or to find a qualified installer in your area
please visit the Institute of Plumbers website -
At present, to be a plumber you need to follow the National Vocational Qualification
(NVQ) route (Scottish National Vocational Qualification - SNVQ - in Scotland). These
qualifications are made up of theory and practical work in the classroom/purpose built
training facility and work based experience with a working plumber. Colleges should
help students find a work placement, although many students organise it themselves.
The S/NVQ qualification works in levels. All recently qualified plumbers should hold
S/NVQ Level 2 as basic with Level 3 as the preferred level. Level 2 will give you the
foundation you need for a career in plumbing and teach you domestic plumbing to a
satisfactory level. Level 3 is more comprehensive and deals with domestic,
commercial and industrial plumbing along with aspects such as gas - if you want to one
day set up your own business, this is the level to reach. The Institute of Plumbing and
Heating Engineering, and the industry as a whole recommends that all plumbers reach
a minimum of Level 3.
Reaching Level 3 has other advantages. The Institute runs a Master Plumber
Certificate, which only those attaining Level 3 or equivalent can reach as long as they
have the relevant experience as well. Those with S/NVQ Level 3 can (once in
membership with the Institute for five years as a Member MIPHE) gain Engineering
Technician EngTech status with the Engineering Council (UK).