2.5.2. Power On Settings
NOTE: The last status of a unit is retained even when power is removed. When power is restored, the unit
will return to it's previous settings.
When power is first applied, the LCD display goes through three steps.
1.The LCD goes black to show all segments are functioning.
2.The software version will be displayed.
REV 1.00
3.The present frequency, gain, and selected RF output of the upconverter is shown.
F = 5950.000
G = +10.0
The unit is now operational and ready for any changes the operator may desire.
2.5.3 Control Switches
1. Menu/Execute - Any change to the programming of the unit must be initiated by pressing the
Menu/Execute switch and completed by pressing the Menu/Execute switch.
2. Horizontal Switch - This switch is mounted so its movement is horizontal and moves the cursor left or
3. Vertical Switch - This switch is mounted so its movement is vertical and has two functions:
A) During frequency, gain changes, the vertical movement will raise or lower the number in the
direction of the arrows.
B) For other functions such as Mute on/off, the vertical switch will alternately turn the function
on or off regardless of the direction operated.
2015-58T Manual_Rev. D
Page 12