- 22 -
The default conditions that are forced are:
100%, +I
Read Rate:
Trigger Mode:
Measurement Limits:
OFF, Alarm ON, Lower Limit = 0, Upper Limit = 30K
OFF, 10 readings
Settling Algorithm:
OFF, 10 readings, 10 digits limit
Open Circuit Limit:
Temp Compensation: OFF, MAN, +20
C, Cu, USER = 3980, Ref Temp = +20
Data Logger:
OFF, Count = 10, Datalog Memory unchanged.
READ? or FETCh?:
Set to FRESistance.
Talk Only mode:
Analogue Output
All other functions and parameters are left unchanged by *RST.
Always returns ‘0’ to indicate self-test OK.
This command is accepted by both interfaces, but ignored as all commands are
executed sequentially. It is provided only for compatibility with IEEE-488.2.
4.7 Status Reporting Commands
There are five groups of registers involved.
The Questionable Data and Operation groups each consist of three registers;
- The Condition Register contains the current status of the instrument and is
continuously updated. The register val ue can be read at any time using the
appropriate query (?) command.
- The Event Register detects ‘0’ to ‘1’ transitions in the Condition Register and
the appropriate bit is set. The register value can be read at any time using the
appropriate query (?) command. Reading an Event Register results in all the
bits of that register being cleared.
- The Enable Register is a mask which allows any of the bits from the Event
Register to set the appropriate bit in the Status Byte. Setting an enable bit to
‘1’ enables the event bit; clearing the enable bit inhibits the corresponding
event bit. The register value can be read at any time using the appropriate
query (?) command.
The Standard Event group is similar, but consists only of the Event and Enable
Registers. There is no Condition Register.
The Output Buffer stores a single line message to be transmitted to the bus. This can
be up to 80 characters long. The message is normally the result of a query (?)
The Status Byte group is used to read a summary of the other registers.
Note that all Event Registers are cleared after reading, but the Condition Registers,
Enable Registers, and Status Byte are left unchanged after reading.
The Status Reporting System is summarised in the following diagram.