Game settings and sequence
Set a game as follows:
1. Use the <GAME> button to select your
game option.
2. Press the <PLAYER> button to select
the number of players (1-16 players).
When you press the button
<CYBERMATCH>, you play against the
3. Use the <HANDICAP> button to set the
level of difficulty or each player.
4. Press the button <DOUBLE/MISS> for
games 301-901, to select further options.
5.Press the button <START/HOLD> to start
the game.
Game progression:
1. Every player throws 3 darts per round.
After the third dart, a signal goes off and
the display flashes.
2. Carefully remove the darts form the
Note: The darts are most easily
removed from the dartboard by
twisting each dart gently to the
right, as you remove them.
3. Press the button <START/HOLD> for the
next player’s turn.