The Led will flash Orange &
Green in 2
vehicle mode
Press Middle (Star)
button for 2 second,
Then you have 3 sec.
to control vehicle #2.
EZ-45DP, EZ-55DP and EZ-95FM
can be used for 2 vehicle operation. A single remote can control two
independent vehicles with identical systems installed.
See diagram below on how to switch your remote(s) to vehicle #2 operation. To set up the 2-Vehicle operation you
must first program your remotes to Vehicle #2. Follow the “Transmitter Programming” steps at the second vehicle
and learn YOUR remote, along with vehicle #2’s existing remotes.
1 Way 5 button sidekick remote
In step #4 of transmitter programming (see page 27)
press and hold middle button #5 for 2 sec., then press
lock for 1 way system or lock and unlock at the same
time 2 way systems, parking light will flash indicating
the remote is programming.
Press vehicle #2 button (middle button) for 2 sec. and
within 3 seconds press any of the 4 function buttons
on your remote. You can keep pressing function
buttons to control car #2 as long as it is within the 3-
second window. After 3 seconds have elapsed, the
remote will revert back to Car #1 operation.