Product Manual — Doc. 8550C
TSW-570, TSW-770, and TSW-1070 • 63
The following settings are displayed for the current user:
Name: The chosen username
Access Level: The access level granted to the user (Administrator, Programmer, Operator,
User, or Connect)
Active Directory User: Reports whether the current user is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated
through Active Directory® software
A user must be added to an Active Directory group before the user may be selected
as an active directory user. For more information, refer to
Groups: Any groups of which the current user is a member
Click Change Current User Password to change the password for the current user. The Change
Password dialog box is displayed.
Change Password Dialog Box
Enter the existing password in the Current Password field. Then, enter a new password in the
Password field, and reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.
Click OK to save the new password, or click Cancel to cancel the change.