DMX512 Controller
DMX512 Controller: CGDMX-512BI
Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 0003
The CGDMX-512BI uses three rotary switches to set up the device. Rotary switch
S1 is used to set the baud rate, S2 sets the DMX512 speed and S3 the interface mode.
S1 Values
S2 Values
The DMX512 data are processed by the CGDMX-512BI interface with an optimal
and standard-compliant DMX512 timing.
If problems should appear like flickering or short black outs, the connected lighting
devices may be not able to receive DMX512 data with optimum timing.
In this case the CGDMX-512BI includes a RETIMER section to adjust the DMX512
timing to slower DMX devices.