Ethernet Enabled Programmable TV/AV Controller
Mixed Mode
SIMPL Windows contains InterSystem Communication (ISC) devices that reside in
a slot of the CEN-TVAV. When the CEN-TVAV is operating in purely a Local
Processing Mode using CEN-ISC(L) or purely a Remote Processing Mode using
CEN-ISC(R), the ISC's are not used and may be commented out. The advantage of
ISC's is best utilized in the CEN-TVAV Mixed Mode. The program residing in a
CEN-TVAV requires the CEN-ISC (16 Channels) to be dropped on the CEN-ISC
slot in order to use the ISC's. Each ISC has digital, analog, and serial I/O functions
that are similar to an intersystem communications symbol (XSIG), though it does not
function like an XSIG in the underlying ops.
Combinations of Local Processing Mode and Remote Processing Mode can be used.
A program can reside inside the CEN-TVAV running logic (SIMPL and SIMPL+
code) and also accessing the local hardware. A peripheral definition can also reside
inside the host control system and also access the CEN-TVAV local hardware. It is
possible, for example, to write the code such that the TVAVIR-1 is driven both from
the host unit and the CEN-TVAV itself.
Only the TVAVIR-1 and TVAVIO-5 can be controlled by both the remote unit and
the CEN-TVAV. Logic for these can exist in both the remote and local programs.
The TVAVIRGW and TVACOM-1 can be controlled by only one program, either
the remote OR local program. If this information needs to pass to the other system,
use the ISC(s) to share logic to the other program. If the TVAVIRGW or
TVAVCOM-1 is defined in the local program, it will not send this information to the
remote program even if it is also defined in the remote program. In this situation,
ISC(s) must be utilized.
: In the diagram below, all 16 channels of the CEN-ISC(R) device are not
shown for clarity.
Mixed Mode CEN-TVAV in SIMPL Windows’ Program View
Programming Descriptions
The next two sections describe example utilization of the CEN-TVAV. Each
includes wiring descriptions and programming or configuration guidelines.
Ethernet Enabled Programmable TV/AV Controller: CEN-TVAV
Operations Guide - DOC. 5720A