Partner: BiAmp
Model: AudiaFlex & Nexia
Device Type: DSP
BiAmp Aud Nexia Level Control v7.5.1
This module controls any level point in the BiAmp AudiaFlex or Nexia.
This module will control any level point in the BiAmp AudiaFlex and Nexia.
This module MUST be used in conjunction with the BiAmp Aud Nexia
Command Processor Serial v7.5.1 module or the BiAmp Aud Nexia Command
Processor IP v7.5.1. These modules process all transmitted and received serial
strings and reformats device feedback so that this data can be sent to the proper
module for final processing.
When polling the BiAmp for current status, you should poll for only the information
you really need at the time. The more data points you poll for at one time, the
longer it will take to get an update for any one data point. It should not normally be
necessary to poll for all data points all the time.
This module has (8) eight parameter fields, all of which must be set for proper
module operation. All parameters are entered as ASCII characters.
Volume_Device_Type is the control block type. This selected from a drop down list.
Volume_Device_ID is the device’s ID and is automatically assigned when the .dap or
.nex file is compiled. Volume_Device_Instance is the “Logic Block’s” ID that is
automatically assigned when the .dap file is compiled. Alternately, the
Volume_Device_Instance could be the Instance TAG entered in the .dap or .nex file.
Volume_Index_1 is the first index number from the BiAmp software. This is typically
the channel, input or output number to be controlled. Volume_Index_2 is the second
index number from the BiAmp software. In a lot of cases this will be zero.
Volume_Upper_Limit is the volume level’s upper limit. This should be entered as the
dB level and negative numbers are allowed. Volume_Lower_Limit is the volume
level’s lower limit. This should be entered as the dB level and negative numbers are
allowed. Volume_Step is the number of dB to adjust the volume by with each volume
adjustment. This selected from a dropdown list. The options are 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,
2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0.
This information is all contained in the Block properties field when developing the
.dap file within the BiAmp AudiaFlex Windows software or the .nex file within the
BiAmp Nexia software. A .dap file (Crestron Test w-VOIP v7.4.dap) was created for
Crestron testing purposes and MUST be used for proper operation of the BiAmp
Aud Nexia Serial v7.5.1 Demo program. A .nex file (2 tc Room Combining
v7.4.nex) was created for Crestron testing purposes and MUST be used for proper
operation of the BiAmp Aud Nexia IP v7.5.1 Demo program.
When the Initialize input on the BiAmp Aud Nexia Command Processor Serial
v7.5.1 or on the BiAmp Aud Nexia Command Processor IP v7.5.1 is pulsed,
the BiAmp Aud Nexia Command Processor Serial v7.5.1 or the BiAmp
Aud Nexia Command Processor IP v7.5.1 module will send out initialization
strings to each of the To_Modules[*] outputs, asking for the connected module’s
command type, instance ID or Tag and indexes. The control module will transmit
that information out its To_Processor output.
NOTE: Digital inputs are buffered inside the module to prevent rapid button presses.
Up and down can be pressed and held to ramp the gains but they cannot be re-
pressed for 1.0 seconds after they are released.