Regulators repair and maintenance
January 2011
Rev. Ell.B.B. / 1 Ed. B /12
After setting the regulator, keep it pressurized with a correctly set
MC9 first stage and carry out following final checks:
• move the Venturi effect check lever on Dive “+” and put the second
stage gently under water holding the mouthpiece upwards, so as
not to let water flow in.
At about 0,15 ñ 0,20 H2O the regulator must start supplying air,
until the second stage works automatically;
check the Venturi flow deviator works correctly, by turning the
lever on mode
ìñì: the flow must stop;
put the whole regulator under water with the flow deviator on pre-
dive (-);
wait for about a minute, then check for any leakage, which would
be shown by bubbles (do not mistake them for outflow of air
enclosed in the second stage);
in case of leakage please refer to the handbook in the setting phase
stage Ellipse Black Balanced: