Please read and follow carefully.
1. Always wear a US Coast Guard approved personal floatation device when in your ODC XR 9
2. Never float alone.
3. Always check your ODC XR 9
air bladders, frame, oar components, and covers for possible damage
before you use your craft.
1. If your pontoon bladder is losing air, please check that valve assembly and top valve cap are fully seated. Reseat valve
assembly and repeat pontoon inflation instructions.
2. Do not store your ODC XR 9
in direct sunlight.
3. If you are leaving your ODC XR 9
out in the sun for any amount of time, be aware that the heat can increase the
pressure inside the pontoons to a dangerous level. Let some of the air out of the pontoons if the craft will be out of the water
in the sun for any length of time, or if it is stored in a vehicle, etc.
4. A gain in altitude will increase the pressure in the pontoons also. If you are taking your inflated ODC XR 9
a low elevation to a high elevation, be sure to let some of the air out of it.
5. For short term storage, we recommend you let some air out of your pontoons.
6. For long term storage, we recommend you make sure your ODC XR 9
is completely dry, deflated and stored out of
the sunlight in a cool dry area. Do not store your wet ODC XR 9
in freezing temperatures as this may result in frame and
other component damage.
7. Repairing bladder, use enclosed patch kit. Fully deflate bladder. Remove safety split-ring from zipper pull and open
zipper in pontoon cover. Remove bladder from inner liner. Identify puncture. Clean and dry area around puncture.
Apply glue to puncture area and patch using applicator straw. Press patch over
area. Allow 24 hours to dry before inflation.
8. Note: Metal parts may rust and are not covered under warranty.
9. We recommend the use of electric trolling motors only on your ODC XR 9
10. Do not use the Cargo Deck as a Standing Platform.
It is not designed for this and may break if used in this capacity.
Accessories are available for your ODC XR 9
. Ask for them where you bought your ODC XR 9
or visit the Creek Company Store at www.CreekCompany.com
the Creek Company ltd. , PO Box 773892, steamboat springs, CO 80477
970-879-5221 • fax 970-879-7577 • email: [email protected]
Specifications and other details subject to change without notice.
All Creek Company products are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for the life of the product to
the original owner. This does not cover damage due to misuse or normal wear and tear.
Your ODC Outdoor Discovery Craft
is designed to give you many years of service.
Please follow inflation instructions and warnings carefully.
iF YOU eVeR haVe anY qUestiOns OR PROBleMs With YOUR ODC XR 9
Please DO nOt
RetURn it tO the DealeR YOU BOUght it FROM. Please COntaCt the CReek COMPanY
DiReCtlY tOll FRee at 1-800-843-8454. We aRe OPen M-F 9aM-5PM MOUntain tiMe. OR COntaCt Us Via
e-Mail at [email protected].
(hUll iDentiFiCatiOn nUMBeR) is lOCateD On sqUaRe tUBing OF seat sUPPORt FRaMe MeMBeR
anD On Right Main FRaMe MeMBeR (see FigURe 4)
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