Creda T522VW Instruction Book Download Page 11

Summary of Contents for T522VW

Page 1: ...I 1 J Tumble Dryer InstructionBook SkgModels Youmustreadtheseinstructions priorto using the appliance andretain them forfuture reference t I...

Page 2: ...remove andcleantheflufffilter 19 Caring foryourDryer 20 lf something goeswrong 22 KeyContacts BackCover Retention ofthisInstruction Book ThisInstruclion Bookmuslbekepthandy forreference as I conians...

Page 3: ...nttocollecl around lhedryer NEVEB a Add iqud orsheelfabric conditioner lo ihedryer useliquid conditioner inthefinalrnseoiyourwash NEVER O Uselhedryerlorcommercial drying thedryerisony suilable lo dome...

Page 4: ...mble cycteprovided on thecontrot ALWAYS a Cteanthefitter I isessenliat rhailhefitieriskeplctear offlufl aTter EACH drying cycie ALWAYS a Observe therutes tordrying garmefts h particrJtar woofienartict...

Page 5: ...irable plug Thewiresin the mainsleaoaEiotoured ii ccordance withthe tollowing GREEN YELLOW EARTH BLUE NEUTRAL BROWN LIVE lf a eoldce1lF rr ol g s to oe tirleo e appropdtewi e llust De connecled tolhec...

Page 6: ...ain parts of1lour Oryer See TheControls Fig l NOTEiiI yourdryeris newwipeout the insideot the drumbeloreyoufirct useit to removeanydust whichmav haveaccumulated duringtransit grill rum Rearventi gwith...

Page 7: ...Somerodels an be co rvFrted lo kort vellino bv erovinglhFvelLcover lror lhedperturF onre fronr Fiq i o r edryer at fitlinq ilrr lheape realInebac Whenoperaling thedryer iherehaslo beadequate veniaiion...

Page 8: ...s pu edoutof poaition or ther qiiiir iill rne nose shoutd b kept ctear ot the air intake grilte a d kinks jf o o as thesewil obstrucr rh r e i i p WABNING 1 ENSURETHATTHE DRYEB ISAOEQUATELY V ENTILATE...

Page 9: ...lfdicator on top ol switch wl be HIGHHEAT Buuon oUT LOW HEAT Gentle 6 Seleciedmodelsofly SeleciAlarm Buzzer optiof if required The buzzeris selecledwithihe swiich bultof lN and cancetedwilh the bllto...

Page 10: ...vided lhe dooris ctosed and themachine isplugged in The cuideTo Drying Times seciion wittiell vouhowmuchtimevou llneediorvarious loads Aboui10 minuesbeforeihe programme is compteted lhe healing elemen...

Page 11: ...ryingTimes sectionwillieLl you how muchtimeyou llneedfor varous loads Aboui l0 minutesbeiorelhe programmeis completed the healing elemenlswillbe swltchedofi andthe programme eniersthe final Coo Tumble...

Page 12: ...icalty dryrnosltoadsto lhelullydryready towearcondition This etimjnales theneedtoguess re dryhgtirresdndsavesenergy High Heal MUSTbe sele cted rHeatswilch lN Toselecl Sensor Dryrnq lu nfte setenorlo p...

Page 13: ...tor Never rurn me timer controt anti_ctockwise Jffic 1ili 1 Hi pidero Dryins rimes wiil te you lrow much Tlis prcgramme is parlicutarty usefut in caseswherea damptoadis requrred lor ironing or LOWheat...

Page 14: ...l r s d l l a t a r i a r n a o F J i o r r o o e n o r o p c l 6 r o iumoe oryw Inouf reasrng WAFNING CLOTHES SHOULD NEVER BELoADED DRIPPINGWET WARNINGj DONOTOVERLOAD ASTHTS COULDRESULT tN REDUCED D...

Page 15: ...mbledry at towhealsetring Typica O K Of o rlemsnotsuitabte for lumbtedrying li i J t ll b i s T l i i lij i ll f l i or no t annru r o t nc o Fibreglass e g someiypesorcurlaifs itemswh ch havebeendry...

Page 16: ...slarched tems YoushoLrld usea slighlly heavier slarch solution thanyoLr would whendrying lheiiems on lhe washng line 4ake sureihatas muchof thesolution is removed fromlheloadaspossbe betore pacingiti...

Page 17: ...t a clryingprogramme ras been 3 i X liJj iT s f ii ai r Al_r1aler ats do nol behavein eladtv k e s me wdywhe healed ii i r l 0 in J ff J iJi il glT 5 vnJil Lvc e aswas ound onre no e a To_obtain thebe...

Page 18: ...shrc rcnovesomeclorhes whenlheva esliqhv da rlp r adybi nonirgandhen conrirJe to drythereiraiter Jnl l n Oa on n n ln n should te youlhe cor q nealsentnq to select SeeWashaareLabels li theroominwhich...


Page 20: check andclean il necessary thevenlhoseand anypermaneni veniing iixiurelo ensurc ihaiiherehasbeennoaccu mulaiion ofllufiorlintduring thedrying process Clean i ufilromtheareabelow theflu tlilter and...

Page 21: hazad Disposal ofYour Product To minjmisethe riskol injuryto childrenpleasedisposeol Yo r oroduct carefullv andsaleY r dsFen ove tnen di scab e wr e e lredr bv lii r rr oolrcn e anoaftavse r re FaL...

Page 22: Checkjt lime to dry 2 Haveiou seieciedthe correclHeat settifg for lhe lype ol fabric All Models youaG drying tNtor H gh OUTtor ow denle 3 ls the fiexibleventhosesqlashed bockedor k nked Check t ior...
