Then, the delegates should press the button 1 to confirm and start voting.
Their last choice on the buttons will be considered as their final decision and will be indicated by
the button indicator. When the conference holder press the STOP button on the chairman unit,
the voting is finished and all the contribution units will sound ―Du‖ in a same time. Pressing
button 4 for 2 seconds, to return the normal discussion status.
LCD displayer
MIC on/off
Build-in flat panel loudspeaker
Earphone jack
Volume adjustment
1, voting function integrated.
2, 8-pin aviation connector
3. Pluggable unidirectional microphone with red ring indicator.
4, 2M cable for each unit
5, Knob pin MIC pole
6, Build-in flat panel loudspeaker and earphone jack with excellent audio quality and adjustable
volume control.
7, Chairman Unit has the function to approve or deny the talking request from delegate units.
8, Chairman Unit is not limited by the active microphone limitation.
9, Chairman Unit can cut the microphone of delegate units at any time to manage and control the
whole conference conveniently
10, There is no limitation for the chairman unit. It can be located anywhere in the daisy chain. Power
supplied by the central control unit with 24V safety current.
11, the flat panel loudspeaker will automatically mute to avoid howling when the microphone turns
12, communicating in the hand in hand daisy-
chain or ―T‖, it is easy to install and maintain.