SB AWE32 Developer's Information Pack
PART III Windows Driver API
Creative Technology Ltd., 1994-1996
Version 3.00
Error Messages
The error messages generated by the AWE Manager are described below. They can be divided into
three categories:
General Error Messages
Invalid Parameter Messages
Resource Contention Messages
General Error Messages
No error message. This message will be display
most of the time to indicate a successful
A reserved error message indicating an error not
defined during development. A new error
message may be added to it at a later stage when
the cause of the error is identified.
Invalid Parameter Messages
This error message is return when the
SBAWE32.DRV MIDI driver is not located.
An invalid user ID is used to gain access to the
AWE Manager. This ID should be obtained from
the AWE_OPEN API call.
An invalid Effect Type Index is specified. This
error happens when an application specifies an
Effect Type Index that is not currently supported
by the MIDI driver.
An invalid Type Variation index is specified.
This error happens when an application specifies
a Type Variation index that is not supported by
the MIDI driver.
An invalid Synthesizer Bank index is specified.
This error occurs when the MIDI driver cannot
support the specified Synthesizer Bank index.
An invalid path name to a file is specified. This
happens when an operation, which requires a user
file or a predetermined path, cannot locate the
desired file.
An user object module has an incorrect format.
This error occurs when an application attempts to
download an unrecognized bank of instruments
(or single instrument) into a specific User Bank
area. This module uses the SBK format.