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© Copyright 2018, Creative Playthings

BRID9WPP3-100 Rev A (12-19)

Page 2

•  Skybox step 11. Use the front posts from The Skybox Roof 

(SJ926-810) in place of the post extensions.

•  Skybox Step 17. Wait to install the wall slats on the back 

and side where the bubble panel and slides will mount, 

and the side where the Swoosh Slide will mount until after 

installing the bubble and slide.

•  Skybox Step 21 & 22. Install the slats in reverse orientation 

so the opening is on the opposite side. Install the ladder 

aligned with the opening.

•  Ignore the special instructions regarding mounting with play 

floors in the Skybox instructions. Use the method found on 

the bottom of page three of the skybox play floor instructions. 

• Once the basic Williamsburg-Skybox tower is assembled 

assemble the Lexington tower about 92" away from the 


•  Wait to install the Access Ladder, Slide, and Wall Slats until 

after the whole play set is complete.

•  Lex step 7. Do not install the safety rail. It will be used for 

the picnic table.

•  Lex step 8. Before securing the angle braces, move the 

tower into place 92" from the other tower. Use the bridge 

rails from SJ951-102 to assure the alignment is exact. 

Continue assembly making sure the posts are plumb and 

the towers are level. (Note: the angle braces will be re-

moved to fit the clubhouse panels in a future step.

•  Lex step 15. No swing mount is needed.

•  After installing the roof, install the bridge between the tow-

ers using the instructions  from SJ951-102.

•  Install the swing beam. Instructions and hardware are in 

the 9' Swing Beam Leg Carton (63060-222).

•  Mount the Rock Climbing Wall (AH201-102Q) to the front 

center of the Bridge.

•  Mount the Bubble Panel (AP970-104) to the back center of 

the Bridge.

•  Using a ladder, install three Dormers (SM963-402) in the 

positions shown on the front page. Ladder access may be 

obstructed by later installations.

•  Install a Gable Fan (SM964-402) at each end of each roof.

• Install the Wmsburg Play Floor (SC908-800Q) and Sky-

box Play Floor (SC904-800Q) using the method shown on 

page 3 of the Skybox Play Floor Manual.

•  Install the Lexington Play Floor (SC910-800Q).

•  Install the Wmsburg Picnic Table (SD920-800Q).

•  Mount the Window and Door Panels (40456-402, 40459-

402, & 40460-402) in the Lexington tower as shown above.

• Mount an Access Ladder (SH946-102), Monkey Bars 

(63079-102), and Super Wave Slide (15166-400) to the 

front of the Lexington tower.

• Assemble the Spiral Slide (8400-202) and mount it to 

the End of the Lexington tower using the Direct Connect 

Adapter (63091-111).

• Assemble and mount the Pinnacle Rock Wall (SH304-

101Q) to the front of the Skybox.

• Mount one Access Ladder (SH946-102) and the Ramp 

(SH922-800Q) to the front of the Williamsburg tower, ar-

ranged as shown on the front page of this guide.

•  Mount two Handles (AG942-400) to each Access Ladder.

•  Mount the Ice Cream Stand (63081-102) to the end of the 


•  Install both Rocket Slides (15140-400) using Skybox Slide 

Kits (50398-700).

•  Mount a Slide Handle (AG943-400) above the Super Wave 

Slide and both Rocket Slides.

•  Install the wall slats in the positions shown above and on 

the  first  page,  using  the  methods  from  the  Williamsburg 

Instructions. Gaps must be narrower than 3-1/2" or wider 

than 9" to prevent potential head entrapment.

•  Mount the hand grips to the entrance wall slats.

•  Install the Shutters and Flower Box from the Clubhouse Win-

dow Pack (63073-101) to the window panel below the Bridge.

• Double-check all fasteners are secure and all recessed 

hardware is covered by hole caps.

•  Hang the swings.
