New to Mancala?
New to Mancala?
How to Win
How to Win
The fi rst player to get all three of their
stones into the end cup wins. When you have
one stone left, you must get an exact roll to move
into the end cup. If your roll is higher than the
number of pits you can move, wait until your
next turn and roll again.
. Each player places three
stones of the same color in the start cup.
. The player whose birthday
is coming up next goes fi rst.
How to Play
How to Play
Take turns rolling the die and moving
your stones toward the end cup.
• You can split your roll however you’d like.
For example, if you roll a 5, you can move one stone
forward two pits and another forward three,
or move one piece forward fi ve.
• Send another player’s stone back to the start cup by
landing in the same pit as one of their stones. If the
other player has more than one stone in the pit,
all the stones go back.
• If your stones are in the fi rst
three pits nearest the start cup,
they cannot be sent back.
Take turns picking up all the stones
from any pit on your side of the board.
Starting with the next pit to the right, drop
one stone in each pit and your home cup as you
move counterclockwise around the board.
Skip your opponent’s home cup.
• If your last stone lands in your
home cup, take another turn.
• If your last stone lands in an empty pit on
your side of the board, take this stone plus all
of the stones in the opposite pit (on your
opponent’s side) and put them in your home cup.
How to Win
How to Win
The game ends when one player empties
all six of their pits. The player with the
most stones in their home
cup wins!
How to Play
How to Play
Stone Sprint
Stone Sprint
Stone Sprint
Stone Sprint
Rearrange the board to create an all-new game!
Be the fi rst player to get three stones in the end cup.
In this game, both players use the same start and end cups.
Get Ready
Get Ready
. Set up the board by putting the four pit
pieces together with one cup
on each end, as shown.
The large cup to your
right is your home cup.
The six small pits in
front of you make up
your playing area.
Try This Twist!
Try This Twist!
. Set up the board and place it
between the players as shown.
. Place four stones of any color in each of the
12 pits. (You won’t use the die in mancala.)
. The player whose birthday is
coming up next goes fi rst.
CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts.
Not for children under 3 years.
Get Ready
Get Ready
Start with three stones in each pit.
When you start the game, make sure each player
has one of the two purple stones in the pit next to their
home cup. If either purple stone lands in an empty pit
on your side of the board (even if it’s not the last stone),
take the purple stone and all of the stones in the
opposite pit and put them in your home cup.
Now Try This!
Now Try This!
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